
Verb to be - Verbo Ser/Estar

The english verb 'to be' corresponds to two different verbs in portuguese (as in spanish and so on). The first verb in 'Ser', wich is used for permanent conditions. The second is 'Estar', wich is used for temporary conditions. For example:

Eu estou doente.
I am sick.

In this example the verb 'estar' is used because being sick is a temporary condition. I am not always sick, but I'm sick now. Easy to understand, right?

Eu sou um homem.
I am a man.

Now I've used the verb 'ser', because it defines a permanent condition. I am always a man. It's totally wrong to say 'Eu estou um homem'!

More examples:

Eu sou bonito.
I am handsome.
Eu estou em casa.
I am at home.
Eu sou bonita.
I am beautiful.
Eu estou louco.
I am crazy.
Eu sou alto.
I am tall.
Eu estou lendo.
I am reading.

Conjugation in simple present (presente do indicativo):

Verb 'Ser'

Eu sou
I am
Você é
You are
Ele é
Ela é
He is
She is
Nós somos
We are
Vocês são
You are (plural)
Eles são
Elas são
They are (masc.)
They are (fem.)

Verb 'Estar'

Eu estou
I am
Você está
You are
Ele está
Ela está
He is
She is
Nós estamos
We are
Vocês estão
You are (plural)
Eles estão
Elas estão
They are (masc.)
They are (fem.)

As you can note, the verb 'ser' is irregular, but the verb 'estar' is regular.

These two verbs are the most important verbs you must know in order to speak portuguese. Once you understand the differences between them, it becomes really easy to conjugate and create phrases.

Let's exercise!

1) Complete with 'ser' for permanent or 'estar' for temporary conditions:
a) Eu - baixo. (I am short)
b) Eu - negro. (I am black)
c) Você - americano. (You are american)
d) Você - gordo agora. (You are fat now)
e) Ele - bonito hoje. (He is handsome today)
f) Ela - magra. (She is thin)
g) Nós - orgulhosos esta noite. (We are proud tonight)
h) Eles - amigáveis. (They are friendly)
i) Eu - com medo. (I am scary)

2) Translate to portuguese:
a) You are fat today.
b) You are tall.
c) We are short.

Try solving this little exercises without using Google Translator or something like that. You can leave a comment and I'll check it out. Good lucky!

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